Testimonials for Book, Programme and Webinars

I’m getting a lot out of your excellent book, by reading it bit by bit. Like you, I never cease to marvel at how the body/mind can heal itself, if given the right encouragement.

Sarah - Book Review

I have your book and it’s brilliant. I have had a brilliant couple of weeks since reading part 1 of your book and getting myself back on track. I am really enjoying practicing my F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S. resources- It’s made me realise why I didn’t recovery completely first time round.

Debbie - Book Review

 Hi Jan, I have just read your book 'Breaking Free' and found it inspiring. Thank you so much for writing such a valuable book and sharing your experience.

Nicky - Book Review

I went from over-extended to chronic fatigue syndrome in a rapid timeframe. The NHS told me to live with it. Then, through a friend I met Jan. Unlike the NHS doctors she listened to me, and heard and understood it all.  I could not believe the  transition! I went from permanently disabled and incapacitated to fully operational within such a short time.  I owe Jan Rothney my life. Literally. Thank you so much for taking care of me, and helping me to reset my body and mind. I live every day in gratitude to you.

Rob - Programme

Jan Rothney’s innovative approach to both CFS/ME and Long Covid involves emotional regulation, social connection and ways to retune the body’s primitive fear responses. Health and Social care lecturers Jan offers expert advice to people with CFS/Me to help them understand their condition, relieve their symptoms and begin their journey to recovery.

Helen - Programme

My daughter was diagnosed with ME by the NHS about 1 year ago. I got in touch with Jan due to a recommendation, and her proven record of success treating young people with ME/CFS. Via her programme and 1:1 coaching Jan has enabled my daughter to break free from the condition once and for all, and she is now moving forward with her life with positivity and excitement. I am very grateful for Jan’s empathy, generosity and the evident passion she has for helping people.

Gilly - Programme

I keep meaning to get in touch to say the webinars have been really great. I can't fault the sessions, right length of time and a great little reminder and boost each time. It seems a really positive group, I'm not surprised others have found it useful too.

Looking forward to the next one.

Mike - Webinar Participant

Thank you so much. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have discovered this work, and also that you are running these webinars. It just wouldn't be the same trying to do it on my own. I haven't  been part of any CFS group before, as it's always seemed such a negative world and I just wanted to stay away from all the gloom and doom, so this is very special. I often find myself a bit tearful during the webinars and have to turn off my video as it all resonates so deeply with me.

Judith Webinar Participant

The webinar was really helpful (I actually felt ok for the first time all day afterwards). I managed to come up with 16 - 17 times when I'd been resilient that I'd completely forgotten about, so that helped to give me something to focus on.  The atmosphere in the webinar was consistently positive, in contrast to a lot of the content I've seen on social media groups that are focused on long COVID recovery, which also helped. Breaking up the session with exercises to 'reinforce'  'how to do it right/ways of doing it right' was a helpful way to structure the session.

Sarah - Webinar Participant